Lower Crossed Posture

Mar 1, 2022

Lower-Crossed Syndrome (LCS) is also referred to as distal or pelvic crossed syndrome. In LCS, tightness of the thoracolumbar extensors crosses with tightness of the iliopsoas and rectus femoris. Weakness of the deep abdominal muscles crosses with weakness of the gluteus maximus and medius.



  • Prolonged sitting, particularly with bad posture
  • Physical inactivity
  • Regular performance of sports and activities that involve an uneven stimulation of the muscles that are involved in LCS
  • Poor exercise technique (e.g., lumbar hyperextension in the deadlift, press, and squat).
  • Imbalanced strength training (e.g., a lot more lower back and/or hip flexor training than glute and/or abdominal training)


Signs & Symptoms

  • Anterior Pelvic Tilt (APT). While a certain degree of APT is perfectly normal – and usually unproblematic – excessive APT leads to poor exercise technique and increased risk of knee pain, lower back pain/injuries, and other musculoskeletal disorders that run rampant in the modern world.
  • Increased lower back curve (sway back)
  • “Bulging” (not necessarily fat) abdomen
  • Knee hyperextension
  • Lower back pain
  • Poor exercise technique. Individuals with LCS typically display poor movement patterns in exercises such as the squat and deadlift. This pattern is characterised by overextension of the lumbar spine, lack of glute involvement, and quad and low-back dominance.

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